Session 1: Year 7, WeeK 4 In Review


From Fire-Making to Future-Making: an end to a great session

Check out this week’s updates…

spark studio

Who Are You? Embracing New Beginnings

As the new school year begins, we’re filled with anticipation and excitement. This first session is a unique opportunity to build connections and set the stage for the year ahead.

During these initial days, we focus on getting to know each other through icebreakers and team-building activities. These are not just fun—they're essential for creating a supportive and engaging Studio environment where every voice is valued.

Collaborative projects and group discussions help us learn from one another and build trust, highlighting the strength of teamwork. At the same time, personal reflections and goal-setting allow learners to explore their identities and aspirations.

This first session lays the groundwork for a positive and inclusive year. By fostering relationships and understanding, we set the tone for a successful journey together.

Here’s to a fantastic start—filled with exploration, connection, and the excitement of discovering who we are, both as individuals and as a school family. Let’s make this year memorable and successful, together.

Thank you for joining us on this journey to discover who we are and how we can help each other grow.

We’ve put together a list of books that we have found helpful along our journey. Have a safe and wonderful break making memories together. We can’t wait to hear about your adventures! Shalom, my friend, until we meet again.

Book Suggestions:

  • How to Talk So Kids Will Listen

  • Disconnected Kids

  • The Whole-Brain Child

lower elementary studio

What a Week!

Lower Elementary had a blast kicking off our first exhibition by giving tours to our VIPs! From that experience, we wanted to take a moment to answer some frequently asked questions. We hope everyone has a fabulous virtual day and an awesome break, and we look forward to jumping back in for Session 2 soon!

Frequently Asked Questions:

How do I access Journey Tracker, Lexia, and Zearn?
Answer: Guides are happy to provide login and password information as needed. A hard copy of this information will be sent home with your learner for the upcoming virtual learning day.

How do I know what my learner has worked on throughout the week?
Answer: Lower Elementary learners use a work plan to record all the work and lessons they have completed for the week. Ask your learner to show you the calendar view on their platform homepages (for Lexia and Zearn) to track progress.

How can I best communicate with my learner’s guides?
Answer: Please direct all questions, concerns, and discussions to Amber Bryant at, and she will ensure your learner's guides are included in the correspondence.

What if my learner wants to add something to their Badge Plan?
Answer: Learners are encouraged to have a conversation with their guides to share their goals and desires for enriching their learning and Badge Plans. Parents are encouraged to reach out to Amber to discuss how a new goal might be incorporated into a learner’s Badge Plan.

upper elementary studio

This week was a remarkable one for our Studio! Our learners had the opportunity to showcase their hard work and creativity during their final exhibition. Thank you to all the parents, friends, and community members who attended and provided feedback. Your insights from the exit surveys were invaluable, not only to our learners but also to us as guides. We deeply appreciate your thoughts and will use them to continue learning and growing from these experiences.

The last week of the session is always dedicated to reflection. It’s a time for our learners to pause, look back on their journey, and consider how much they have grown both individually and as a community. This process culminated in a big reflection day, where learners completed surveys about their performance at the exhibition, their personal growth, and their observations of the learning and development of their peers. These reflections are crucial for fostering a growth mindset and helping our learners take ownership of their educational journey.

We encourage you to ask your learner about their reflection experience. What did they learn about themselves? How did they feel about their peers’ growth? These conversations can provide valuable insights and help reinforce the importance of reflection in their lives.

Additionally, on Thursday morning, our learners had a unique opportunity to participate in the Trilith Experience Tour. This behind-the-scenes look at the film industry, right here in our own backyard, was both educational and inspiring. The learners were fascinated by the creativity and innovation they witnessed and left with a deeper understanding of the various careers and skills involved in the film industry.

As we wrap up this session, we look forward to the next chapter of our learning journey. Thank you for your continued support and engagement in your learner’s education.

middle school studio

This week at The Forest School, we experienced a dynamic mix of hands-on learning, creative projects, and personal growth, all culminating in a deeper understanding of self-directed learning and teamwork.

We hosted our first Exhibition of the year, where parents and Dream Teams came together to explore the concept of self-directed learning. This was an exciting opportunity for our learners to showcase their progress and the unique ways they’ve taken ownership of their educational journeys. The engagement from parents and peers during this Exhibition highlighted the importance of collaboration and community support in our learning environment.

Adding to the excitement, we had the privilege of hosting expert survivalist Jake Nodar, who led an unforgettable session on fire-making. Using only flint, steel, and natural elements, our learners were captivated as they discovered the primal skill of creating fire from scratch. This hands-on experience not only taught them a valuable survival technique but also reinforced the importance of resilience, patience, and problem-solving—skills that are essential both in and out of the classroom.

Our creative energies were channeled into the completion of our DIY YouTube video, where learners practiced setting up a YouTube channel. This project allowed them to delve into the world of digital content creation, learning the ins and outs of video production, editing, and online branding. It was thrilling to see their ideas come to life as they tried their hand at the ever-growing world of content creation.

In a remarkable achievement, 22 of our learners successfully completed the session, submitting 100% of their Quest, Civ, and Story Arts challenges. This milestone is a testament to their hard work, dedication, and the support system they have cultivated within our learning community. It’s moments like these that truly reflect the spirit of self-directed learning—where each learner takes full responsibility for their growth and development.

As the week drew to a close, we took time for both individual and group reflections. These sessions allowed learners to look back on their accomplishments, review the feedback from the Exhibition surveys, consider areas for improvement, and set new goals. Reflection is a crucial part of our learning process, helping learners internalize their experiences and plan for future success.

To cap off an already incredible week, we were treated to an exclusive tour of Trilith Studios. This behind-the-scenes experience gave our learners a glimpse into the world of professional filmmaking, sparking inspiration and broadening their horizons. It was a fitting end to a week filled with creativity, exploration, and discovery.

Overall, this week has been a testament to the power of hands-on experiences, the importance of reflection, and the value of community in our learners' educational journeys. As we move forward, we’re excited to build on these successes and continue fostering an environment where every learner can thrive.

high school studio

We're excited to share the success of our recent Quest at the exhibition, where our students proudly displayed their comprehensive learning on what it takes to become successful adults. Through this Quest, they explored crucial topics such as effective communication, identifying and managing toxic relationships, building social-emotional resilience, and mastering financial literacy. The depth of their understanding was evident, and according to our audience survey, the students effectively communicated their knowledge, leaving a lasting impression on everyone who attended.

But that’s not all—there’s an exciting surprise in store for our Story Arts program! We can't reveal too much just yet, but trust us, it’s going to be something special. Keep an eye out for more details soon!

In Civics, our students wrapped up the session with a stimulating debate on some of society’s most pressing and controversial topics, many of which have roots tracing back to prehistory. This debate was not just a culmination of their studies but also a platform for them to engage critically with issues that continue to shape our world today. It was a fitting end to a session filled with deep exploration and lively discussion.

With that, have a relaxing break!

Tyler Thigpen