Session 1: Year 7, WeeK 3 In Review


A Week of Growth, Debate, and Creative Adventures!

Check out this week’s updates…

spark studio

A Week of Growth: From Worms to Wisdom

This week has been a whirlwind of discovery and growth for our school family, blending hands-on learning with deeper introspection and teamwork. Our journey began with a fascinating exploration of the world of worms and gardening. We delved into the incredible role worms play in enriching soil and enhancing plant growth. Tending to our garden became a lesson in patience and responsibility as we witnessed firsthand the magic of nature’s small but mighty workers.

Amidst our gardening adventures, we embarked on a journey to uncover our family roots. Exploring our family tree was like piecing together a grand tapestry of our heritage. We uncovered stories of ancestors and distant relatives, which not only deepened our understanding of where we come from but also strengthened our bond as a school family. This exploration has sparked a newfound appreciation for our lineage and the unique traits that define us. Please bring in your favorite family photo!

Our educational adventures continued with the second Great Montessori Lesson, where we tackled the coming of life and embraced new concepts and skills with the same curiosity that drives our gardening. Montessori methods emphasize self-directed learning, and this week’s lessons were no exception. The learners embraced the challenge, displaying an eagerness to learn and a willingness to explore their interests independently.

Team-building activities further enriched our week. We engaged in various exercises designed to enhance collaboration and communication within our school family. These activities were not only fun but also reinforced the importance of working together and supporting one another in achieving common goals.

Finally, we reflected on the "7 Habits of Happy Kids," a framework that emphasizes proactive behaviors, goal-setting, and empathetic interactions. Implementing these habits into our daily routine has fostered a positive environment, encouraging each of us to take responsibility for our actions and to be more considerate of each other.

Overall, this week has been a rich tapestry of learning and connection, blending the wonders of nature, personal history, educational growth, and family unity into a memorable experience.

Exhibition time has changed for next Thursday. Instead of a morning exhibition (most will be in the mornings), our first Exhibition will be next Thursday, August 29th, at 4 PM. This Exhibition is a ParentEd night, designed to help families get acquainted with the Spark Studio. This is an adults-only exhibition, but we will have childcare available in the High School Studio for any families needing it. Please park in the Shipyard gravel lot and meet in the Spark Studio.

Weekly Clues: Family photo; family origin; where were you born; eye contact; always speak with kindness.

lower elementary studio

It has been a whirlwind of activity as the Lower Elementary Studio starts to find its groove. We’ve discovered stinky bacteria (do NOT forget to clean your baseboards!) and delved deeper into the smallest unit of life: the cell.

We’ve set both crazy and more realistic goals and discussed what it takes to measure what we set out to achieve. We’ve talked about respect, our words, and our actions. We’ve explored our crazy English language, learned how to read an actual clock, and worked together to solve math problems. We are definitely tired after all our hard work but very excited to be leading our loved ones on a guided tour of all that makes Lower Elementary so awesome!

Your tour begins this Tuesday, August 27, from 4:30-6:00 p.m., and our learners are looking forward to it!

upper elementary studio

This week, our Upper Elementary learners have been deeply engaged in preparing for their upcoming Story Arts Exhibition. They’ve honed their skills in the Socratic method, a technique our guides use to foster critical thinking and discussion. Parents, when you attend the exhibition next Wednesday from 4:30-6:00 PM, be ready to step into the role of a learner! Your child has been working hard to prepare, and they’d love to hear from you about something you wish you had known about The Forest School to help them refine their challenges.

In Civilizations, the learning didn’t just stay in the past—it moved into the art Studio! Guides partnered with our new art guide, Hannah, to coordinate an art challenge that tied directly into their studies of ancient human remains. They’ve been developing real-life skills that connect history to potential careers in the field, all while engaging in creative and scientific exploration. This interdisciplinary approach is giving them a well-rounded understanding of both history and art, as well as how these fields intersect in the professional world.

We’re also incredibly proud of the initiative our learners showed in revisiting their Studio maintenance system. As part of our Studio Contract, which emphasizes "keeping the studio sacred," they recognized that the current system needed improvement. In collaboration with Mr. K, the learners held a town hall where they shared ideas, voted on the best options, and ensured that everyone’s voice was heard. The result? A new, learner-driven maintenance chart and reward system that they believe will help keep their Studio a place of respect, learning, and creativity.

This week has been a powerful demonstration of our learners' growth, from becoming experts in guiding Socratic discussions to taking ownership of their learning environment. Be sure to ask your child about these experiences and how they are preparing for the exciting events to come!

middle school studio

This week has been a whirlwind of creativity, preparation, and thoughtful discussion as our Middle School heroes took significant steps in their journey. Their commitment to their projects and the depth of their explorations continue to inspire all of us.

The week kicked off with the final touches on our DIY videos for Story Arts. Our heroes poured their creativity and technical skills into editing these videos, ensuring they tell compelling stories that reflect their unique perspectives. This project has not only honed their storytelling abilities but also allowed them to express themselves in ways that resonate with their peers and mentors alike.

As we prepared for our first New Haven leading to Exhibition next week, the excitement in the air was palpable. Our heroes have been diligently working on their Dream Team boards, a visual representation of the individuals they've chosen to be on their Dream Teams this year. These boards are more than just a display; they symbolize the thoughtful consideration our heroes have put into selecting mentors and role models who will guide and inspire them throughout the year. It's a testament to their understanding of the importance of surrounding themselves with supportive and motivating influences.

In addition to these creative endeavors, our heroes delved into the academic side of their Badge Plan, discussing the Grammar and Math components in detail. This conversation was crucial in helping them set clear, achievable goals for the year. It also reinforced the idea that academic excellence is a key component of their overall growth and success.

The Council, made up of our heroes, hosted another impactful Town Hall. This time, the focus was on voting for consequences related to "strikes" in the Studio. The discussions were thoughtful and reflective, showcasing their ability to govern themselves and make decisions that impact their community. It was a powerful reminder of the responsibility they hold and the respect they have for the Studio's values.

One of the week's most important discussions revolved around the "brick walls" that Middle School heroes face—socially, emotionally, digitally, and academically. These are challenges that every hero encounters, and recognizing them is the first step toward overcoming them. Our heroes brainstormed these barriers, bringing to light the common struggles they experience and validating each other's feelings and experiences.

Building on this, they considered self-directed strategies to tackle these "brick walls," guided by the four phases of self-directed learning. This exercise was more than just problem-solving; it was about empowering our heroes to take control of their learning and personal growth. By identifying strategies that align with their individual needs and goals, they are building resilience and a sense of agency that will serve them well beyond the Studio.

As we move towards our Exhibition next week, it's clear that our heroes are not just preparing to showcase their work—they are preparing to showcase themselves as thoughtful, creative, and resilient individuals. Their journey is one of growth, and this week has been another step forward in their ongoing adventure.

high school studio

This week has been an exciting journey of learning and growth for our heroes. During Quest, our young learners dove into the world of finance, exploring the concepts of compound and simple interest, as well as Indexed Universal Life (IUL) policies. They discovered how these financial tools can impact long-term savings and the importance of making informed decisions for future financial stability. It was an eye-opening experience that laid the groundwork for their understanding of personal finance.

Civilization class sparked thoughtful debates on gender identity, with heroes exploring its intersections with different cultures, media representation, mental health, laws and policies, and activism. These discussions encouraged our heroes to think critically and empathetically about complex societal issues.

This week, we encountered some ineffective communication in the Studio. In response, we held a Studio-wide discussion about our Hero Honor Code, emphasizing the importance of upholding our core values. We reaffirmed our commitment to maintaining a respectful and supportive environment for everyone. It is crucial that we strive to be great heroes, as our ability to impact the world positively relies on effective communication and kindness. By living out these principles, we can truly make a difference in the world.

Looking ahead, we are excited to invite you to our Exhibition on Tuesday, September 27th, from 6:15-7:30 PM, where our heroes will showcase their insights and understanding of what it means to begin adulthood. We look forward to seeing you there!

Tyler Thigpen