Session 2: Year 7, WeeK 6 In Review


Field Trips, New quests, and Schoolwide Excitement

Check out this week’s updates…

spark studio

A Journey of Growth and Creativity

We began the week by setting the stage for an exciting journey of personal and leadership development with the introduction of "The Making of a Spark Leader." Learners were introduced to the Core philosophy of leadership, which is not only about influence but also about character, vision, and impact. This session laid the groundwork for the entire week, focusing on building leadership from within and setting a strong foundation for what is to come.

A key habit we are focusing on this session is: "Begin with the End in Mind." This habit encourages kids (and adults alike) to think about their goals and visualize the outcome before starting any task. Through engaging discussions and activities, everyone was guided to reflect on their future aspirations and how planning can help them achieve those dreams. We hope this practice instills a sense of purpose and intentionality in the learners.

Before the rains came, we engaged in the soothing and grounding activity of planting fall flowers. The beauty of nature, combined with the symbolic act of planting growth for the future, offered participants a reflective moment. This hands-on experience reminded us all that leadership, like planting, requires nurturing and patience to see the fruits of our efforts bloom in the future.

In Art this week, learners were encouraged to paint what they see and feel, allowing their emotions to flow through the brush while being inspired by the rhythm and sounds of music. This session opened up a new dimension of emotional awareness and creativity, helping learners connect with their inner thoughts and express them visually. Blending sound and color into a personal masterpiece, we discovered this during the sharing of our paintings the next day.

The week concluded with a focus on setting up teams and groups. Our heroes came together, putting into practice the leadership and collaboration skills they had learned throughout the week. Teams were formed to foster communication, teamwork, and shared responsibility, setting a strong foundation for future projects. This final day emphasized the importance of working together to achieve common goals, build community, and support one another as we move forward in our journey.

The week was an inspiring blend of leadership development, creative expression, and teamwork. Each day built on the next, creating a holistic experience that nurtured both the mind and spirit. We're excited to see the continued growth and connection as we move ahead!

lower elementary studio

Exciting Field Study Trip to Jekyll Island 4-H Center – November 11-13!

We are thrilled to announce that our learners will soon embark on an unforgettable field study trip to the Jekyll Island 4-H Center from November 11-13 as part of our Marine Biology Quest. The cost per learner is $175, which includes transportation, housing, food, classes, and activities.

This trip offers a unique opportunity for our learners to explore marine ecosystems and engage in hands-on environmental education, perfectly aligning with our upcoming Quest. The Jekyll Island 4-H Center is renowned for its immersive programs, using the entire barrier island as an outdoor classroom. Learners will study the island’s diverse coastal environment, fostering their connection to nature and enhancing their understanding of Marine Biology in ways that go far beyond the Studio setting.

What to Expect:

During the trip, learners will participate in activities such as:

  • Exploring coastal ecosystems and marine habitats

  • Hands-on learning about local wildlife, including marine and tidal environments

  • Engaging with environmental conservation techniques and understanding their importance

We will also stay in the center's cabins, where learners will have the chance to bond and collaborate on various activities. The 4-H Center provides a wonderful setting for growth, learning, and teamwork.

Call for Parent Volunteers:

Since we do not have access to a bus, we will rely on parents to help transport learners to and from Jekyll Island. We also need chaperones who are willing to stay in the cabins with the learners and assist with activities. All chaperones are required to complete a background check and attend an information session prior to the trip.

If you are available to drive or chaperone, please fill out this form by Monday, September 16th. Your participation is essential in making this trip a success!

Thank you in advance for your support in providing our learners with this incredible experience. We look forward to creating lasting memories with them at Jekyll Island.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out!

upper elementary studio

This session, our Upper Elementary learners are diving into "The Making of a Politician" quest, where they’ll explore the diverse roles behind political campaigns, including candidates, campaign managers, PR specialists, and political consultants. Each learner will research and present real-world issues that matter to them while building public speaking and debate skills.

The Quest will culminate in an exciting mock debate and election, where learners will take on different roles within a campaign. After presenting their issues in the debate, we’ll hold a vote to determine which candidates and ideas resonate most with their peers. Parents are invited to join us for this exhibition and witness the learners' growth in leadership and communication!

We are thrilled to announce that our learners will soon embark on an unforgettable field study trip to the Jekyll Island 4-H Center from November 11-13 as part of our Marine Biology Quest. The cost per learner is $175, which includes transportation, housing, food, classes, and activities.

This trip offers a unique opportunity for our learners to explore marine ecosystems and engage in hands-on environmental education, perfectly aligning with our upcoming Quest. The Jekyll Island 4-H Center is renowned for its immersive programs, using the entire barrier island as an outdoor classroom. Learners will study the island’s diverse coastal environment, fostering their connection to nature and enhancing their understanding of Marine Biology in ways that go far beyond the Studio setting.

What to Expect:

During the trip, learners will participate in activities such as:

  • Exploring coastal ecosystems and marine habitats

  • Hands-on learning about local wildlife, including marine and tidal environments

  • Engaging with environmental conservation techniques and understanding their importance

We will also stay in the center's cabins, where learners will have the chance to bond and collaborate on various activities. The 4-H Center provides a wonderful setting for growth, learning, and teamwork.

Call for Parent Volunteers:

Since we do not have access to a bus, we will rely on parents to help transport learners to and from Jekyll Island. We also need chaperones who are willing to stay in the cabins with the learners and assist with activities. All chaperones are required to complete a background check and attend an information session prior to the trip.

If you are available to drive or chaperone, please fill out this form by Monday, September 16th. Your participation is essential in making this trip a success!

Thank you in advance for your support in providing our learners with this incredible experience. We look forward to creating lasting memories with them at Jekyll Island.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out!

middle school studio

We’re excited to share updates on the incredible activities happening in the Studio! Our learners have been busy exploring leadership, creativity, wellness, and more. Here’s a look at what’s been happening:

Making of a Politician Quest
Inspired by courses at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, the "Making of a Politician Quest" is guiding Middle School learners through leadership, communication, cultural awareness, and public service. Over the next five weeks, learners will reflect on their visions for the future of the country and discuss the leadership qualities our world needs. They’ll face challenges that will help them develop essential skills and global competencies useful in many areas of life.

Becoming Authors: Children’s Book Creation
Our learners are stepping into the role of authors! They’re writing, revising, illustrating, and designing their own children’s books. Middle School heroes will share their stories with Spark and Lower Elementary learners, fostering collaboration across age groups. Some of the best books may even be featured in a public book reading event in town! This project encourages creativity and helps learners develop writing and storytelling skills.

Wellness Sessions: Focusing on Hygiene
We’ve recently introduced wellness sessions, starting with a focus on hygiene. Learners discussed the importance of good hygiene for personal and community health. Throughout the year, learners will continue to explore different aspects of wellness in small groups, discussing topics like mental health, nutrition, and physical fitness. We’ll also hold regular Circles to keep the conversation going and create a supportive environment for healthy living.

Exploring Early Civilizations in Civ
In our Civilization (Civ) sessions, learners are delving into the history of human societies, focusing on the transition from hunting and gathering to agriculture. They’re learning how agriculture and the domestication of animals shaped early civilizations and laid the foundation for modern societies. These challenges encourage critical thinking about how societies grow and adapt to their environments.

New Council Elections
We’re proud to announce that our learners recently elected a new council! The council will represent their peers, making important decisions and leading initiatives throughout the session. These elections give learners the chance to practice leadership, teamwork, and decision-making in real-world scenarios, helping them grow as future leaders.

Math Labs in Full Swing
Finally, our Math Labs are off to a great start! These labs are designed to make math engaging and interactive. Learners work together on hands-on activities and problem-solving tasks that deepen their understanding of math concepts. The labs foster collaboration and make learning math an exciting, enjoyable experience.

With all these exciting projects and activities, our learners are continuing to grow, create, and lead in meaningful ways. Stay tuned for more updates as we explore new challenges and opportunities throughout the year!

high school studio

Welcome to the Debate Quest: Where Strategy Meets Intellect

This week, our heroes embarked on an exciting journey through the world of debates! The Debate Quest is designed to challenge their critical thinking and strategic planning. Heroes dove deep into learning various debate strategies and techniques, researching how to effectively use them in real-time discussions. Throughout the week, they not only honed their public speaking skills but also learned to think on their feet, anticipate counterarguments, and strategically present their cases. The focus was on refining both intellect and argumentation prowess as they gear up for future debate battles.

In Story Arts, creativity took center stage. Our heroes pitched their current ideas to not just one, but two experts! This invaluable feedback gave them a fresh perspective on their Story Arts projects and opened the door to improving their narratives. By collaborating with seasoned professionals, they sharpened their ideas and grew in confidence, ready to take their storytelling to the next level.

Meanwhile, for the remainder of the week, we allotted extra core skills time for heroes to complete work they may not have been able to get to earlier.

It was a week of growth, strategy, and creativity for our young leaders!

- Onward

Tyler Thigpen