Week 23 in Review: Hard work, Dedication, Focus

Hard work, Dedication, Focus

According to Fernando Bryant (Amber's husband), former NFL player for the Detroit Lions, Jacksonville Jaguars, and Pittsburgh Steelers, there are three things it takes to get to the finish line when it really counts - hard work, dedication and focus. This week…

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Tyler Thigpen
Week 22 in Review: Learning To Live Together

Learning To Live Together

This session the heroes were granted a freedom they had longed for since day one: the ability to choose their own Quest groups. They had the following parameters to follow: 1) your group must be a mix of boys and girls; 2) you must represent…

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Tyler Thigpen
Week 21 in Review: Creation is hard work

Creation is hard work

The Hero’s Journey is a path that is anything but predictable. We don’t know when we’ll be called to leave the ordinary world, who our mentors will be or what trials we’ll face. We’ll meet many people along the way—some for a reason, some for a season, and perhaps, some for a lifetime. This week we said goodbye…

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Tyler Thigpen
Art Update January 2019

In December the heroes were invited to create a holiday window display, as you might see in stores during the season. We talked briefly about why stores create engaging displays, and the role of a display designer...the heroes had the opportunity to create a display that both represented the school and caused others to be curious about what (who) was inside…

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Tyler Thigpen
Week 16 in Review: Our first Honor Code

This week, Heroes took another big step in Studio governance. They saw a need for more accountability to the principles they put forward in the Studio Contract earlier in the year. They needed a code to live by and a clear consequence progression for violating it. 

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Tyler Thigpen
Week 15 in Review: How do Heroes manage a full plate?

This session is fairly short—Four weeks from beginning to end. As we approach the halfway point, Heroes are starting to feel the "pinch" of time more and more. On a wall in our Studio, they've posted their goals for the session—a certain percentage of Khan Academy, a completed Deep Book Badge, a milestone on their Grammar Badge. These "self-paced" goals are held in tension with our session badges—Quest, Storytelling, and Civilization. How do Heroes manage such a full plate?

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Tyler Thigpen
Announcing our judges for the Dec 1 Children's Business Fair

We are thrilled to announce our judges for the Children's Business Fair this Saturday, December 1, 2018, at the Pinewood Forest Holiday Marketfest. These experienced entrepreneurs and social entrepreneurs will spend quality time with each of our kidpreneurs to understand their businesses, provide valuable feedback, and ultimately choose the top prizes for the business fair.

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Tyler Thigpen
Week 13 in Review: What's better—world class skills with mediocre sportsmanship, or mediocre skills with world class character?

Which would you rather have—awesome skills, a fixed mindset, and a sub-par attitude OR a growth mindset, good attitude, and skills with room for improvement? When questioned about how he chooses players for his team, renowned head women’s basketball coach at UCONN said he would rather lose a game than play an athlete with poor sportsmanship.

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Tyler Thigpen
Week 12 in Review: Another Week, Another Milestone

Another week, another milestone. As the learners take on more and more leadership, the Guides continue to step back. We continue to hold up our end of the deal: to provide a safe learning environment; to hold up a mirror to Heroes on the state of the Studio; and to create engaging Quests, challenges, and launches that inspire Heroes to pursue excellence. But an important baton of leadership has been passed to the Heroes themselves. What does this next stage of self-governance look like? 

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Tyler Thigpen