You're Invited to this Friday's (Feb 15) Exhibition—completely learner-driven—at The Forest School


Is composting worth it?

How can rural Georgians access healthcare?

If you’re curious, join us this Friday morning, February 15, at The Forest School for our Session 4 Exhibitions.

The elementary Composting Exhibition will take place 2/15 from 8:30-9:30am

The middle school Healthcare Exhibition will take place 2/15 from 9:45-10:45am

The address is: 1065 Hood Road. Due to construction, enter the school through Pinewood Forest at 2nd Street and Central Avenue.

The event will be completely learner-driven.


Our elementary learners built a composting system for the school and partnered with Pinewood Forest to provide a temporary composting option until the town’s composting system is up and running. Pinewood Forest residents, Forest School parents and siblings, and visitors are all invited to attend the Exhibition.

What should you expect at the Elementary Composting Exhibition?

Groups of three Forest School learners will lead visitor groups through five stations about composting. Visitors will experience “why should I care about composting”, the three stages of compost development, and a visit to the compost station that is set up for and run by Forest School elementary learners. There will be a sensory experience at each station. You can expect for each learner in each group to speak at each station, beginning with the youngest hero, then the next oldest, and finally, the oldest. After leading visitors through all stations, our learners will experience a moment of reflection and recalibration between tours for each group to discuss what went well and what they should change/add/delete for the next group.

Learners will give multiple tours over the course of the evening. Before exiting the Exhibition, visitors will fill out a quick satisfaction survey describing whether they anticipate composting in their own life and will have an opportunity to see and share with their network a silent message composting video created by the Forest School learners.

The group of Forest School learners who is able to persuade the most users to begin composting will be the “winners”.

The Middle School Healthcare Exhibition is NPR meets the World Health Organization.

For this Quest, our middle school learners played the roles of healthcare advocates and investigative journalists. Having met and collaborated with Health Care policy makers, Audio journalists, Medical transporters, and Child Care Providers, learners researched solutions to individual healthcare problems and will share about what they learned. Learners created podcasts of their learning, highlighting obstacles to healthcare, and at the Exhibition will discuss their findings and process.

You can read more about the Middle School Quest here.

We hope to see you this Friday!

banner image via

Tyler Thigpen