How Do You Take Ownership Of Your Learning? - Year 3, Week 30


The last session of the year is underway! Heroes begin their exciting new quests and continue their real world experiences!

spark studio

I don’t care how big or small they are, insects freak me out. - Alexander Wang

Do you have a fear of insects? How do you face your fear? Did you know fear of insects is a common fear? As we close out the school year we will spend the next 5 weeks learning about entomology. Entomologists are scientists that specialize in the study of bugs. They can explain the anatomy and behavior of insects so we have a better understanding of how our nemesis lives. We will start with practicing positive thinking and imaging. We are ready to show those pint-size insects we’re not afraid? It’s time to confront the fear and take control over the billions of bugs that share our world.

We often use the words bugs and insects interchangeably, but are they actually the same thing? The answer is more complicated than you might think. All bugs are insects, but not all insects are bugs. We have some discovering to do. More to come on this later so stay tuned.

Our focus this week has been on all the benefits that insects provide to the ecosystem. We have to admit that only a very small percentage bite and sting, and if you leave them alone they’ll leave you alone. We spent some time outdoors digging and discovering the many critters that live underground. We even made a few bug hotels for future observation. We wonder what critters will check-in to our hotels. Let the observations begin!

elementary studio

One way or the other, you’re going to finish… So why not finish strong and make yourself immensely proud of your performance rather than embarrassed by your lack of it. - Gary Ryan Blair

We are approaching the finish line! Session 7 has started with a bang. Heroes are excited about finishing this year strong. This session, Elementary heroes will continue their study of Physics by becoming “mechanical engineers” and designing a roller coaster for Fun Spot USA here in Fayetteville. They will document their journey during our storytelling photography workshop where they will study ideas such as perspective, shadows, and the use of thirds.

We will also focus on one of our favorite signature learning experiences, “Circles”. This is a time for heroes to facilitate open, direct communication in a safe, supportive space where all members can talk about sensitive topics, work through differences, and build consensus. Circles are a way for us to continue to build strong studio health. As we have the finish line in our sights, I am enthusiastic about our heroes ownership of their learning, and look forward to celebrating all of their hard work and accomplishments!

middle school studio

And so the last session begins.

As we eye the finish line for the school year, the Middle School Studio is reflecting on what it looks like to finish strong. In our Town Hall this week, learners reflected on how we can continue to live into the promises we all made to each other back in September at our contract signing ceremony. A new council was elected, promising in their speeches to the Studio to hold us all accountable to our agreements.

This session, learners are embarking on an Apprenticeship Quest. Along the way they will take stock of their interests, skills, and social capital. They will also receive coaching on how to write pitches to secure apprenticeships, and will work to show up on Day 1, ready to add value to the workplace.

While most 6th-8th grade students around the country are gearing up for high stakes testing, learners at The Forest School are getting opportunities to step out into the real world and "try on" a calling for a 40-hour work week. Apprenticeships are a crucial way we lean into our mission that everyone who enters our doors will find a calling that will change the world.

high school studio

Welcome to the psychology Quest!

Curiosity is the wicks in the candle of learning! - William A.Ward

What a way to launch into the final session of the school year. This week, heroes pored over a plethora of content. Quest launched with diving into conscious versus unconscious decisions in which they created abstract art. Heroes also had to use logic and reasoning to determine who would be the final three individuals to gain access to a parachute before the plane landed. And to end the week, heroes looked at real life case studies and determined their own solution to that real world problem. For storytelling, heroes created consumer reports dissecting three different versions of the same item all while learning about the scientific method. Lastly, for civilization heroes addressed the topic of sex education. They analyzed abstinence versus safe sex and talked about the benefits and consequences of both. With only seven weeks left, heroes continue to truck away at their to-do list in order to make sure all things have been completed in their badge plans.


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Tyler Thigpen