Technology Policy

The Forest School


In this document…

Chromebook Allocation

Each school year, learners will be allocated one Chromebook and one charger. 

The Forest School will ensure that at the time of handover, each device and charger is clearly labeled with the learner’s name. The Chromebook/charger remains school property and is provided for the sole use of completing school-related tasks. Each Chromebook provided will be registered under The Forest Schools Enterprise and will have the GoGuardian security system in place. We strongly encourage parents to discuss with their learner the responsibility of caring for their Chromebook and the consequences of damaging, losing, or neglecting their Chromebook/charger. The Forest School also strongly encourages parents/carers to provide a protective case or bag to help prevent accidental damages.

The Forest School will provide safe and secure storage for the Chromebooks/chargers when not in use. It will be the learner's responsibility to ensure that their Chromebook/charger is kept in good condition, charged appropriately, and stored safely when not in use. It is also the responsibility of the learner to keep track of their Chromebook and charger and to ensure that their name is always clearly labeled on both their Chromebook and charger.

*Exceptions for Spark learners. See ‘Spark Specific Policies’.

Note: Without the approval of a Guide, video or audio recording during school hours is not allowed under any circumstances. 

Damages and Repairs

In the case of a Chromebook or charger is damaged, it should be handed to the school administration to be sent for repairs. School administration will take records of how/when the device was damaged. If the damage is found to be a result of negligence on the part of the learner, the learner/family will be held responsible for all repair-related costs.

If damages are due to learner negligence

While the Chromebook is being repaired, The Forest School will, for a span of 2 weeks, provide a spare Chromebook. After this 2-week period, it will be the responsibility of the family to provide a backup device for their learner to use in the interim.

If damages were NOT due to learner negligence

The Forest School will provide a replacement Chromebook/Charger for the interim.

Learners who show a consistent pattern of negligence and/or preventable damages to school property may be denied new or replacement Chromebooks. In the case of negligent damages or loss, parents will be notified via email with a description of the damage and cause. 

Damages must be reported within 24hrs

If one is damaged or lost by a hero, then the family is responsible for reimbursing the school in the amount of $400 that will be added to your tuition bill. The replacement cost of Chromebook chargers is $30. For more details, please read the Chromebook policy in its entirety on TADS.

Lost Chromebooks/Chargers

In the case of Chromebooks or chargers being lost, whether at home or on school property, it is considered learner negligence. Learners are held responsible for maintaining labeling and keeping track of their Chromebooks/charger’s whereabouts. Learners are also responsible for ensuring their devices are safely stored whenever not in use.  

To prevent loss, The Forest School encourages learners not to share Chromebooks or chargers with other learners as this often causes them to go missing or to simply be misplaced or mixed up. 

The Forest School administration will assist, to a reasonable extent, in locating misplaced devices and chargers, but if they cannot be located, then the learner/family will be held responsible for the cost of replacements.

Use of Personal Devices

The Forest School allows the use of personal devices. However, it is The Forest School’s expectation that any personal devices brought onto school property have protective software installed equal to the GoGuardian system and that these devices are the sole responsibility of the learner and their family.

For the safety of all learners, unprotected devices should not be used within the school premises, and The Forest School takes no responsibility for unprotected devices being brought into the school or any incidents related to these devices, including personal cell phones.

If The Forest School discovers an unprotected device is being used in place of a Chromebook, the learner will lose internet privileges until protective software is in place.

Update as of Aug 16 2021:

Cell Phones/i-Pads:

There are 2 options for learners bringing in these devices:

  1. If learners would like to keep their cell phones/i-pads with them throughout the day, security software is required. Once the software is confirmed, learners would be excluded from the process of option 2 and allowed to keep their phone/iPad with them during school hours.

  2. Cell phones/iPads are left as is, no security software is required, but they must be left with a guide for the duration of the school day (including breaks/lunch) only to be used to contact parents/caregivers. Phones would be returned to learners at 3:15. 

NOTE: This is the default option unless security software is confirmed.


External Laptops or Chromebooks must be logged into using the learners school email address. This is non-negotiable as this ensures that GoGuardian is still able to track activity and monitor history.

How we will monitor this:

  1. Each Guide will keep a list of learners who opt to use personal devices. Each day, guides can confirm if the learner is logged in correctly. This can be done via GoGuardian or by manually putting eyes on the device.

  2. Alternatively, a guide can search via GoGuardian to confirm each learner is logged in with a school username.

Spark Specific Policies

To ensure age-appropriate expectations, our Spark learners have a separate policy from other studios. Please note our 4yr old Spark learners will not receive a Chromebook as online work is not a requirement of this age group and so are excluded from this policy.

Spark learners (aged 5-7) will be allocated one Chromebook and one charger at the beginning of the school year. The learners are still responsible for being respectful and careful with school property and will be in charge of keeping track of their Chromebooks throughout the day. 

Spark learners will receive assistance from their guide to maintain appropriate labeling on their Chromebook and charger. Learners will be instructed to keep their chargers safely in the storage cabinet AT ALL TIMES. No learner should remove chargers from this cabinet to prevent them from being misplaced (except if taking them home). Spark learners will be assisted by a guide to ensure that their Chromebooks are returned to the storage cabinet at the end of the school day and plugged in to charge overnight. 

Learners will still be held responsible for preventable damage caused by negligence. This may include (but is not limited to); 

Damage caused by liquids or foods being spilled, throwing/dropping Chromebooks, bending charger prongs, sitting/standing on Chromebooks, or other damage caused by rough or inappropriate handling. Repairs/replacements will be managed as above sections 2 and 3.

Internet Safety and Expectations

The safety of our learners is a top priority. This means that The Forest School takes internet safety very seriously. Please see the below excerpt from The Forest School’s Family Handbook on Internet Safety and Social Media.

At The Forest School, we know excessive gaming, video watching, and social media can have a negative impact on work habits and respect for others in general and in the Studio in particular. As such, an immediate honor code violation (MS/HS) or strike (ES) will likely result for:

  1. Any non-work use of the Internet or texts during school hours, except during free time. (Parents are often the cause of such violations when they expect their children to answer emails and texts during the school day.)

  2. Searching for or displaying any inappropriate material.

  3. Rude, unkind, belittling, or inappropriate remarks sent through social media or by email, instant messaging, or text at any time.’

Learners who show an ongoing and consistent pattern of unsafe or inappropriate online behavior may be subject to additional consequences, including parent/guide meetings, loss of online privileges, or, in extreme cases, being denied use of school devices or self-removal from The Forest School.

Taking Chromebooks/Chargers Home

In the event that a learner needs to, or is required to, take their device and charger home, the same expectations in all areas apply. Please note that devices should not be taken home unless absolutely necessary and cleared by the school.

While outside school property, the learners and their families (Spark learners included) are responsible for their devices and charger. The Forest School expects that internet safety is still upheld, and learners and their families are responsible for ensuring that the Chromebook and its charger are returned safely to the school.

Any damages or loss/misplacement of the Chromebook or charger while outside school property will be managed as detailed in sections 2 and 3 of this document.