Session 7: Year 6, WeeK 36 In Review


a recap on this school year

Check out this week’s updates…

spark studio

Je t'aime.
Au revoir!
Have an amazing summer!
The Spark, The Spark, The Spark is on fire!!!!!

Virtual learning instructions

lower elementary studio

The time has finally come to say goodbye to our amazing Lower Elementary learners. While this session may not have been ideal, we ended on a high note with an unforgettable PE Olympics for Exhibition. Our talented learners showcased their skills in parkour, javelin, and discus, leaving everyone in awe. They also impressed their parents by sharing their newfound knowledge of physics.

Although it's bittersweet to see them go, we are thrilled to send them off for a well-deserved summer break. We eagerly anticipate hearing all about their summertime adventures and seeing how much they've grown when they return. This year was filled with many obstacles, challenges, and changes, but WE MADE IT!

Until next time! Keep on shining, learners! Have an amazing summer! :star2:.

Please see below for our virtual learning challenges.

Virtual Learning Plans June 3-7

upper elementary studio

This year has finally come to a close, and we have been celebrating big in upper elementary!

Learners got a chance to showcase what they have learned this session, celebrate one another's accomplishments, and reap the benefits of all the hard work they have put in this year! We wish you the best, but before you get into full-on summer mode, we do have a few virtual challenges for next week! The challenges will be sent out in a separate email, so keep an eye out for those in the next few days.

We cannot wait to hear all about the amazing accomplishments and experiences from over the summer! Stay safe and have fun. We will see you in August!

Virtual Learning Plans June 3-7

middle school studio

What a banner year at the Middle School! Heroes designed and executed a public, spooky, and impressive Haunted House, engaged in hands-on learning—from Cooking to Astro Engineering and Game Design. They explored new places on field trips, bonded through team-building activities, interacted with incredible Experts, moved into a fresh space, shared countless laughs, and embraced abundant learning opportunities.

Happy Summer!

Virtual Learning Plans June 3-7

high school studio

From junkyard engineering, where Heroes created and raced their duct tape boats, to creating and building a full-scale haunted house, this school year has been an incredible journey of creativity and discovery! Our Heroes pitched Shark Tank ideas, designed games, and even ventured into the making of a politician. The excitement didn’t stop there; we ended the year with a self-designed, full-scale fashion show.

Heroes dove into the world of visual arts, mastering techniques and expressing themselves in vibrant ways. They experienced the challenges of parenthood and learned how stories are created by carefully sculpted design. They also learned how to implement the scientific method with precision. They created short films, explored Greek and modern mythology, and engaged in intense debates on fears, climate change, and the nuances of archaeology. One of the most intriguing projects was investigating true crime and the juvenile justice system, a profound exploration that opened their eyes to societal issues and justice. The heroes also pondered deeply on the origins of art, uncovering where true inspiration comes from.

This year was a whirlwind of learning, creativity, and growth. Our heroes gained knowledge and developed skills and insights that will shape their futures. Here’s to another year of innovation and discovery! I can’t wait to see what next year has in store!

Virtual Learning Plans June 3-7

Tyler Thigpen