Session 7: Year 6, WeeK 35 In Review


garden and exhibition prep

Check out this week’s updates…

spark studio

This week has been full throttle with finalizing exhibition details. We enjoyed lots of music, songs, and dance. The experts introduced us to a new instrument, the base, and we were treated to an amazing improvised dance by two of our Hero's parents. It was a delight to watch.

Aside from rehearsing for next week, we also took the opportunity to strengthen our collaborative skills and deepen our friendships through extra playtime.
We can't wait to see you next Thursday morning as we come together to celebrate our learners and the end of a season.

“True heroism is remarkably sober, very undramatic. It is not the urge to surpass all others at whatever cost, but the urge to serve others at whatever cost.” —Arthur Ashe

Have a wonderful Memorial Day!

lower elementary studio

As we approach the end of the school year, our learners are gearing up for Exhibition and are ready to finish strong.

In Story Arts, we've been finishing our news segments for the Forest News Network. Each learner has perfected their segment, confidently standing before the camera to deliver updates on sports, health and wellness, weather, and investigative reporting. Our learners are thrilled to showcase their hard work to the world.

For Quest, we explored the physics of angular momentum by spinning in computer chairs with arms outstretched, then tucked in, to observe changes in speed. This hands-on activity was both educational and fun. Additionally, we took an exciting field trip to Georgia Parkour Academy, where the learners applied their physics knowledge in a real-world setting. This much-needed field trip was a highlight of the session.

In Civilization, we continued exploring the three branches of government, focusing on the Legislative and Executive Branches. Our heroes proposed new Studio and lunchtime rules, which the Council voted on and presented to the Judicial branch (Mrs. Brooke and Mr. K).

As we near the end of the year, we are filled with excitement and pride in our learners’ achievements.

upper elementary studio

This week, our heroes dove into the fascinating world of physics and biomechanics by showcasing their ninja skills at Georgia Parkour. It was an exciting, hands-on way to learn about how the human body moves!

In Civilizations, we've been diligently working on writing formal papers about history topics of their choice. Be sure to ask your hero to share their paper with you and see the amazing effort they've put in.

We’re wrapping up Story Arts with our "Humans of the Forest School" interview project. Inspired by the “Humans of New York” project, our heroes conduct interviews and photograph portraits. Check if your hero needs to interview someone in your family this weekend!

middle school studio

Exhibition Preparations in Full Swing

This week, our Middle School heroes have been immersed in a whirlwind of creativity and collaboration. They’ve dedicated their time to rehearsing, filming, and editing their videos for the upcoming Exhibition. With professional headshots captured by Guide Kenyn and guidance on filming and editing from Noah of the High School, our heroes are gearing up for an impressive showcase.

Debating the Middle East Crisis

Our Civilization challenge included a formal debate that delved into the complexities of the current Middle East Crisis. The heroes conducted thorough research on the perspectives of the Palestinians, Hamas, and the Israelis. This preparation paved the way for a spirited and informed debate, leaving our heroes with a deeper understanding of this global issue and their roles within the team.

Story Arts: Tune in Live to See Our Heroes

This session’s Story Arts segment turned our heroes into budding newscasters. Exciting news for parents! You can witness the culmination of our heroes’ hard work by tuning into the school’s Facebook Live broadcast next Thursday. Stay tuned for more details on our school’s Facebook page.

Final In-Person Week Next Week!

As we approach the final in-person week in the Studio, we’re celebrating the achievements of our heroes who have completed their Badge Plans. We’re also rallying behind those wrapping up their year’s work. The anticipation for summer festivities is high, and our Party Committee is busy planning an unforgettable last day.

high school studio

Another week is in the books, and we have just one more week before we officially close out the school year. This week has been incredibly busy with tasks to wrap up the year. In our Quest program, heroes are finalizing their outfits, adding the finishing touches, and refining their marketing strategies for their clothing lines. In Civilization class, heroes concluded their studies by reflecting on what we've learned about stereotypes in the art world. Story Arts heroes completed their final visual art projects.

Before we go, here are a few housekeeping items for the Studio: Almost every hero has had a one-on-one transcript meeting with their guides. We reviewed each hero’s plans and provided an update on their transcript status, including the number of credits they are ending the year with. We are also beginning to pack up the Studio, so deep cleaning is happening across the board.

A quick reminder: Our exhibition is on Tuesday, May 28, at 5 PM. You are in for a treat with a wonderful fashion show, and the rest of the week will be focused on preparations. Have a great Memorial Day weekend!

Tyler Thigpen