Session 7: Year 6, WeeK 34 In Review


graduation prep and so much more!

Check out this week’s updates…

spark studio

Exploring the World of Music: A Journey of Discovery

“How are you feeling? I’m feeling great! I played all day, and then I ate. How are you feeling? I’m feeling cool, and I’m having fun at The Forest School.” :notes: - Dash Smith & The Spark Studio

As we ventured into the vibrant realm of music and art, we embarked on an adventure unlike any other. Our exploration led us to uncover the rich tapestry of the world music genre, a journey filled with delightful surprises at every turn.

One particular melody captivated our senses, revealing the enchanting sound of what we think was a guitar from India. Its melodious notes transported us to distant lands, igniting our curiosity to learn more about the culture and traditions from which it originated. We remain curious.

Amidst our exploration, we were joined by esteemed visitors from within our Forest School family. Among them, a hero from FSO graced us with his presence, enriching our experience with his wisdom and expertise on the keyboard. Our Middle School Guide and her husband, who happens to be a Spark Dad, added to the festivities, sharing their musical talents and imparting valuable lessons along the way.

As we eagerly anticipated the upcoming graduation festivities, we took the time to prepare our surroundings for the joyous occasion. Our Studio now radiates through spring cleaning with a sense of freshness and renewal. This process served as a reminder of the dedication and effort required to maintain the beauty of our environment, instilling in us a deeper appreciation for the spaces we inhabit.

With hearts full of anticipation and gratitude, we look forward to celebrating this milestone together, cherishing the memories we've created and the lessons we've learned along the way. As we continue our journey of exploration, may the melodies of the World genre continue to inspire and unite us, bridging cultures and fostering a deeper understanding of the world around us.

lower elementary studio

Another exciting week in Lower Elementary as we gear up for some thrilling adventures and learning experiences!

First, mark your calendars because we have an epic field trip to Georgia Parkour on Thursday, May 22, 2024! Parents, be sure to look for the permission slip in your emails and turn it in by Tuesday, May 20th. And if you can lend a hand with driving, let us know on the form—the more, the merrier!

In Quest, our heroes took on the thrilling world of discus throwing! They looked at proper techniques firsthand and even delved into the fascinating physics behind it all. But that's not all - we had a special guest, Dr. Jennifer McGowan, PT, DPT, who shared incredible insights on recovery tips to keep our heroes at the top of their game. Thanks for the valuable advice, Jennifer!

Over in Story Arts, our budding newscasters have been hard at work perfecting their presentations for the Forest News Network (FNN). They're ready to shine in front of the camera, from polishing up scripts to adding those final touches. And a big shoutout to Noah from high school for lending a hand with recording - teamwork makes the dream work!

And last but certainly not least, in Civilization, our heroes dove headfirst into the fascinating world of government. They explored the three branches, focusing on the Judicial Branch. And what better way to test their knowledge than with a round of trivia? It was a blast putting their memories to the test, and next week, we'll be diving even deeper into the Legislative and Executive Branches.
With so much excitement and learning in store, our heroes are ready to tackle whatever challenges come their way. Stay tuned for more adventures ahead!

upper elementary studio

As we close out the year, learners have immersed themselves in a whirlwind of discovery this week. From the thrilling challenge of our Javelin build, where creativity and engineering collided to craft miniature projectiles, to the journey of beginning to craft essays that tell the History of the World, we have covered a lot!

A special highlight came with a visit from a physical therapist, who shared invaluable insights into the importance of physical well-being, igniting curiosity about the human body and fostering habits for lifelong health. We learned more about what it means to care for our bodies like Olympians.

Yet, perhaps the most poignant moments of the week were found in learning about journalism through the unique and expansive Humans of New York project. As heroes learned to listen with empathy and capture the stories of others through interviews and photography, they discovered the power of connection and the richness of human experience. Through these shared narratives, they glimpsed the resilience, diversity, and compassion that bind us all together, reminding us that understanding and empathy are the greatest lessons of all.

middle school studio

A Journey to the Arts Our Quest adventurers embarked on an inspiring field trip to the Alliance Theatre. There, they were immersed in a custom workshop conducted by a professional actor, exploring the art of performance. The tour of the theatre unveiled its various spaces and the array of shows it hosts, including some thrilling new original plays.

Story Arts: Crafting the News In Story Arts, our heroes honed their journalistic skills with constructive feedback from Writable. Through peer coaching with “I like,” “I wish,” and “I wonder” critiques, they polished their news reporter-style presentations. Excitement is building as they prepare to go “on the air” next week!

Civ: Reflecting on Our History Our Civilization challenge delved into the history of Hurricane Katrina, examining its devastating impact and the subsequent response efforts. Heroes provided insightful feedback via Google Forms on their group contributions and engaged in a thought-provoking role play, representing Relief Organizations and the Federal Government.

Studio Celebrations the Studio was abuzz with celebrations for two birthdays, visitors from Forest School Online, and the recognition of our graduating Seniors and eighth graders. The Council sparked enthusiasm with a creative competition for the final fortnight of school, featuring the coveted Phoenix bucks.

Stay tuned for more updates as we approach the end of an exciting school year!

high school studio

The week leading up to graduation has been a whirlwind of excitement, nostalgia, and preparation. It’s a time filled with mixed emotions as heroes submit their final badge projects, each representing countless hours of hard work and dedication. The Studio buzzes with last-minute advice and shared memories as everyone reflects on their journeys and the growth they've experienced.

As the badge submissions pour in, heroes gather in small groups, critiquing each other’s work and offering support. These badges, symbolizing achievements in various disciplines, become tokens of their high school legacy. It’s inspiring to see the creativity and effort each hero has poured into their projects, showcasing the unique talents and skills they’ve developed over the years.

Amidst the hustle of final submissions, reflections become a central theme. Heroes and Guides alike take moments to reflect on the challenges overcome, friendships forged, and lessons learned. There’s a bittersweet sense of closing a significant chapter while eagerly anticipating the next.

Graduation practice adds to the excitement. Where Studios cheered on Seniors as they took their final walk showcasing all of their accomplishments. Walking through the ceremony’s steps, from the procession to receiving diplomas, makes the reality of graduation sink in. Each practice session brings the Class of 2024 one step closer to their long-awaited day, ready to step confidently into the future.

Remember, all work submissions for Freshman, Sophomores, and Juniors are due today at 3:15. They will have one final week for revisions before the end of the school year.

The footsteps of Summers are approaching!


Tyler Thigpen