Session 6: Year 6, WeeK 24 In Review


a new session begins

Check out this week’s updates…

spark studio

Welcome to session 6! The Art and Science of Gardening and Backyard Games. This session is taking us into collaboration with other Studios, creative design thinking, user experience, and the science of gardening and the human body. Although it has been a short week, it has been action-packed. Guides from multiple Studios hit the ground running and challenged themselves in a competitive relay game. Team Spark emerged victorious, but the true prize always lies beyond mere points.

Exploring and embracing diverse cultures remains a cornerstone of our ethos at Spark. Thus, we embarked on a journey to explore games from around the globe, infusing our week with laughter and learning. We challenge you to consider coming into the Studio at a scheduled time in the next few weeks and teach us a game you played as a child. Oh, how fun that would be!

In our art sessions, we crafted delicate butterfly creations that now adorn our Studio, sparking discussions on gardening and the beauty of life cycles. As we prepare for spring blossoming, we had the pleasure of hosting Mr. Jake Pitman, Director of Operations for the Town at Trilith. His insights on gardening inspired us, igniting our imaginations and fueling our plans for our garden oasis. What will we plant? Fruits, vegetables, flowers, or perhaps all three? Will our garden flourish in time for harvest before the session's end, or shall we eagerly await the summer to reap the rewards of our labor? With each question, we embark on a journey of discovery and growth.

"Everything that slows us down and forces patience, everything that sets us back into the slow circles of nature is a help. Gardening is an instrument of grace. " May Sarton

lower elementary studio

This week, our Elementary Studio reopened with heartfelt discussions and support for Ms. Anita during her leave. Learners expressed thoughtfulness and explored ways to support others in tough times.

Heroes adapted well to the changes, focusing on silent core skills to reach new Freedom levels and gain privileges. They eagerly crafted birds to display their levels, guided by Ms. Shelly.

Our "Art and Science of Backyard Games" quest began, fostering collaboration across Studios and leadership skills. Despite a short week, activities were robust, including relay games that highlighted teamwork and optimism.

The week concluded with elections for the new council. After thoughtful self-nominations and speeches, we are proud to welcome London Wakefield, Lucy Sohn, Saint Bashta, Charlie Cook, and Kosey Ladipo as council members.

Engage your learners with discussions about their freedom levels, stewardship roles, peer support, DEAR book choices, read-aloud sessions, and Quest teams.

upper elementary studio

Welcome to Session 6, where our heroes take on The Art and Science of Backyard Games! As consultants for real game users, including local camps, they're set to craft exciting games and tell their tales through radio ads.

In this quest, heroes explore the blend of art and science in game design. The challenge? Create fun and engaging backyard games that sport and recreation professionals can incorporate into their repertoire of games. To promote their games to their clients, learners will create radio advertisements. If you're experienced in radio advertising, please reach out. We would love to use your expertise and feedback!

Get ready to witness the magic of working hard and playing hard as our heroes bring their backyard games to life. Stay tuned for updates on this adventure!

middle school studio

3-2-1 Blast Off! In this session, we accept this mission to create models and diagrams for a base on the moon! Our Astro engineers researched the moon's environment to know what we’re up against, complete with a moon weather report given live in front of the Studio.

In Civ, we dove into the Civil Rights movement in the mid-20th century in the United States. Heroes researched prominent figures and shared their learnings and stories. Later in this session, everyone will contribute to a gallery walk, presenting their chosen significant person from the presentations in diverse ways. The list of options will come from the interesting presentations they listened to. They will pick the person that piqued their interest the most and tell why.

In Story Arts, we introduced the genre of debate! We will be hosting spirited space debates this session. On the first day, heroes submitted their favorite ideas for debate topics about space, from everything from space regulations to sending animals into space and private company exploration and beyond. They sorted all their topics on sticky notes on a board, and then the heroes voted on their favorites. The Guides stepped back almost completely to allow the heroes to sort their topics, and it was awesome to see the learners lead the way.

We also refined our badge approval process to ensure that learners are held to higher accountability for ensuring each squad is fully supported by each other. Heroes also nominated new names for Council this session so that campaigning will begin soon. We are in the groove in Middle School and can’t wait to see what’s next!

high school studio

"I have a dream that we create space for all kids to make mistakes, where appropriate consequences align with appropriate incentives" -Lenore Wyant of the National Juvenile Justice Network.

Welcome to Session 6! It feels like we embarked on this school year journey together just yesterday, and now we find ourselves with only 61 school days remaining. Time truly flies when we're diving into meaningful quests and discussions. This session was a whirlwind of exploration, starting with the exciting launch of the "Making of a Politician Quest." Our heroes delved into politics, examining the traits and skills needed for effective leadership. Seeing the enthusiasm and critical thinking our heroes brought to the table was inspiring. Please remember, heroes MUST dress in business casual attire for all Quest days!

Following that, we shifted gears to an enlightening discussion on parenting styles. Exploring the impact of different approaches on child development opened our eyes to the complexities of family dynamics and nurturing environments.

The week's highlight was our deep dive into the Juvenile Justice system. This crucial topic allowed our heroes to grapple with real-world issues and potential solutions. We explored disparities, rehabilitation programs, and legal rights, empowering our heroes to think critically about societal challenges.

As we move forward, Mrs. Eleah and I will conduct check-ins to track each hero's progress. Keep an eye out for an email from your hero regarding their current badge plan status. Let's buckle up and prepare for the exciting end-of-the-year ride ahead!

Stay curious, stay engaged, and keep shining bright!


Tyler Thigpen