Session 5: Year 6, WeeK 20 In Review


A new year and new beginings

Check out this week’s updates…

spark studio

Session 5 began with a rollercoaster of emotions. Up and down, whoa, watch out for that curve up ahead. We found ourselves wondering how in The Forest we would navigate our next steps. First things first, get everyone on board to experience virtual learning, get into the building to prepare the environment, prepare for the in-person Unveiling Ceremony, and earn a patience badge. LOOKS LIKE WE MADE IT!

Once we all gathered together at the Unveiling Ceremony, in the frigid temperatures, you could feel the warmth and rush of emotions. We were happy, nervous, confused, blessed, and so many more. We wonder how the experience is making you feel. We are spending time each day communicating our feelings as we settle in. We have exhaled a bit and realized the dedication and commitment it takes to build a community and facility wherein we can all flourish. We are forever grateful. Thank you!

Our virtual learning experience is coming out in person. Heroes bring folders filled with work, challenges, and then some. We spend various parts of the day together for three heroes at a time to share their accomplishments. It’s been surreal witnessing the heroes share. We are in awe. Togetherness virtually and/or in person means so much to keep the connection going.

Our continent studies took us on a virtual adventure to Antarctica. We ventured into climate, animals, ice treasures, icebergs, money, shelters, and how to waddle like a penguin. One particular challenge was to write a story that began like this, The SS Sparkship was traveling to Antarctica and crashed into an iceberg … The many stories written have been very entertaining and left us wanting more.

Team building this week has been fun. During their outside time, the heroes decided they would like to play with fellow heroes from other Studios. It’s working out nicely as some heroes play in the courtyard while others invite friends into the Spark garden. We hope to build a vibrant school spirit. We are in the process of creating a Spark flag. Once all heroes are finished designing their flag, we will take a vote. May the best flag win!

We are truly in the midst of “The Art of Learning” and cannot wait for our field trip adventure to The High Museum on Thursday, February 2nd. Final details will be forthcoming. Who knows what knowledge we may bring back with us? We’ll share our great adventures with you during our upcoming Exhibition.

“I am still learning.”—Michelangelo.

Lower elementary studio

Just as the trees in a forest grow tall and strong, we too can find our strength in new beginnings." - Ralph Waldo Emerson.

As we step into the new year, there's an undeniable sense of excitement in the air. Our school, which has always been a place of learning and growth, has taken on a new dimension. We find ourselves in a brand new school building that's not only bright, cheerful, clean, and beautiful but also filled with endless possibilities.

The start of this year brings a fresh beginning for all of us. You'll first notice our new school building – a haven of natural light and vibrant colors. It's a place that instantly uplifts our spirits and sets the tone for a year filled with enthusiasm and curiosity.

This session, our Quest is "CodeQuest”, and our learners are embarking on a digital adventure, exploring the world of coding and programming. It's a journey that will challenge their problem-solving skills and creativity, paving the way for future innovators.

In Story Arts, they are honing their public speaking skills. They are tasked with designing and delivering speeches on topics close to their hearts. This encourages self-expression and empowers them to communicate effectively, a skill that will serve them well throughout their lives.

In Civ, we are going back in time to explore World War II and the heroes of Pearl Harbor. Understanding history is crucial, as it allows us to learn from the past and make informed decisions for the future. Through this exploration, our learners will discover the resilience and courage of those who faced unimaginable challenges.

Speaking of heroes, we have also introduced the Forest School Hero Honor Code, the "Forest 15." This code embodies values such as respect, empathy, and responsibility. It serves as a guiding light for our own Forest School heroes, encouraging them to be scholars and compassionate individuals who positively impact their Studio, their school, their community, and the world.

In addition, we've introduced a new Studio Maintenance guide to ensure our learning environment remains pristine, and we've also clarified playground/courtyard rules, empowering our heroes to enjoy their outdoor spaces safely. Our unique approach to Freedom Levels encourages the learners to take ownership of their learning journey. It fosters independence while providing the support needed for growth.

As we embark on this new year in our beautiful school building, we are explorers, creators, and responsible community members. With the Hero Honor Code as our compass and our bright, cheerful surroundings as inspiration, we're ready to make the rest of the year one to remember. Here's to a year of learning, growth, and positively impacting the world around us.

upper elementary studio

We're thrilled to share the exciting developments from our first week in the brand-new school space! The energy and enthusiasm from our Learners have been nothing short of inspiring, and the positive impact on our Studio culture has exceeded all expectations.

Recognizing the challenges faced by some heroes during online learning, we dedicated this week to addressing questions and ensuring that everyone was on track. It's been a rewarding experience to witness the transformation and engagement of our learners as they embrace the opportunities presented in the new Studio.

One of the highlights of this session is Project Achievement, a public speaking challenge developed by Georgia 4-H and the University of Georgia. We've Integrated this challenge with material from Story Arts, creating a unique and enriching experience for our heroes.

The culmination of their hard work and creativity will be showcased at the Exhibition on Wednesday, Feb. 7. This event promises to celebrate our heroes' achievements as they present their projects. Furthermore, the official 4-H competition is scheduled for Saturday, Feb. 10.

The opportunity is open to all those heroes who aspire to represent the Forest School at the competition. Registration and competition details will be shared as heroes develop their projects, allowing them to prepare and showcase their talents fully on a broader stage.

As we embrace this new chapter in our elementary Studio, the enthusiasm, dedication, and hunger for learning are evident in every corner. We look forward to witnessing our heroes' continued growth and success as they embark on this exciting journey together.

middle school studio

This week, our hearts are filled with gratitude as heroes settle into our gorgeous new space. Heroes are happily moving the portable furniture around to collaborate, enjoying our view of the forest, and soaking up all the sunlight in our new Studio. 72% of the heroes noted that “fun” was the strongest in the Studio this week. From squad icebreakers to teamwork in Quest to a hands-on STEM challenge, we are so glad that heroes enjoyed and connected with each other this week in a big way.

For Quest, heroes are diving into the exciting world of Game Design. Each individual pitched their own idea for a board game, card game, or video game to their team and then voted on whose they would actually design and make come to life. For Exhibition, parents will get to play the game their heroes designed! Heroes get to practice their marketing and sales skills, design skills, and collaboration.

Story Arts aligns with Quest as we utilize the connections through the Story Arts Collective to dive into world-building. In this learning experience, learners will be challenged to envision a unique world. It includes a learner-facing mini-series of videos led by Barry Williams, the Director of Creative Technologies at Trilith Studios. He brings scripts to life and creates captivating worlds for storytelling. Barry has worked on notable projects such as Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Aquaman, and The Mandalorian, showcasing his talent as a concept artist and Visual Effects Supervisor. Heroes write frequently, learning to create vivid imagery through their words and imagine an original setting with its own landscape, culture, and more.

In Civ for this session, our emphasis is on cultivating a sense of culture within our new Studio. We will be immersing ourselves in civilization by constructing a simulated nation. Throughout this experience, we'll explore how individual states and territories can unite to establish a cohesive and thriving country or nation.

We are so proud to see the heroes maintaining our beautiful space well, getting cozy on the bean bags, voicing their ideas for the new space, and having a stronger sense of togetherness.

high school studio

This week unfolded with incredible moments, starting from the excitement of the ribbon-cutting ceremony to the camaraderie shared over coffee and discussions at Roam, in addition to several quick Zoom meetings.

Our schedule at Roam on Wednesday featured a thought-provoking discussion led by one of our heroes which transitioned us into Civilization, we took a deep dive into the minds of serial killers and infamous mass murderers. Playing detective, we shared our findings, sparking thought-provoking questions that lingered in the air.

Our journey continued with successful math labs, where valuable lessons were learned, and the day concluded with a lighthearted team-building activity, bringing us all back together in a spirit of unity.

Thursday and Friday were devoted to Quest, where the spotlight was on the captivating game designing—a world crafted entirely by them. In Story Arts, heroes are creating a new world, and remarkably, this newly imagined world is taking shape as a game for Quest. This should make for an exciting Exhibition!

Tyler Thigpen