Session 6: Year 7, WeeK 30 In Review
Food, Invention & Storytelling: How Our Heroes Are Changing the World
spark studio
Welcome Back to Session Six, Week One in SPARK
This week in our studio, we were introduced to the importance of Grace and Courtesy, learning how small acts of kindness and respect help make our community a better place. We practiced using polite words, waiting our turn, and showing kindness to our friends in different ways.
One of our favorite activities was the Magic Spoon Game during lunch! This fun challenge helped us practice good table manners while making mealtime extra special. Everyone did a fantastic job keeping their spoon in place, sitting politely, and showing respect to those around them.
Our character trait focus this session is Synergy, which means working together and valuing everyone's ideas. We discovered that when we listen to and support one another, we can accomplish so much more!
In art, we became little artists and created our very own Monet-inspired paintings! We explored how colors blend and how we can express beauty with soft, flowing brushstrokes—just like the famous artist Claude Monet.
We also had a very special visitor who helped us understand what it’s like to live in a world where not everyone can do the same things in the same way. This opened our eyes to how we can be more understanding, patient, and supportive of people with different abilities.
It was a week filled with learning, creativity, and growing together as a community. We look forward to what next week brings!
Letter of the Week – “B”
lower elementary studio
From exploring the wonders of the animal kingdom to diving into the world of storytelling and civilization, it’s been a week packed with new experiences and learning. Let’s take a look at what we’ve been up to!
Animal Encounters and Wildlife Wonders
We kicked off our Quest with an amazing visit from some very special guests! Thanks to AWARE, a wildlife management and rehabilitation center, our learners had the chance to meet some furry and slithery friends up close. The hands-on learning experience sparked curiosity and excitement, as students had the opportunity to learn about the animals in our area!
Story Arts: Music, Podcasts, and More!
In Story Arts this week, we were joined by a musical expert who guided us in crafting a catchy podcast jingle. Students had a blast using their imaginations to create a mix of sounds that would represent our Studio perfectly. And that’s not all! Later in the week, we had a very special treat: we listened to an interview with Ms. McKenna's dad, where he shared his expertise and insights—and even exposed Ms. McKenna’s fun and embarrassing moments from childhood. It was an inspiring and informative experience that reinforced the importance of learning from others.
Exploring Ancient Civilizations
In our studies of ancient civilizations, we took a step back to review everything we’ve covered so far. We had some great discussions about what it means to be "civilized" and what makes a group of people a civilization. Learners shared their thoughts and ideas, deepening their understanding of how ancient societies functioned and their lasting impact on the world.
Looking Ahead: Big Plans for Monday
Next week, we have some exciting things in store! On Monday afternoon, we will officially record our podcast jingle, so be sure to mark your calendars and be there for this fun and memorable moment. We’ll also be holding elections for our Studio council. Learners will have the chance to deliver their best speeches and show their leadership skills—so encourage your child to think about their message and practice their speech!
upper elementary studio
Session 6 Is Off to a Strong Start!
We kicked off Quest with an exciting visit from AWARE Wildlife Rescue. Our learners had the incredible opportunity to meet some of AWARE’s ambassador animals and learn firsthand about the importance of conserving native wildlife. This experience set the stage for our ongoing exploration of local species. Each week, learners will become experts on different native animals—this week’s focus was on the white-tailed deer and the eastern wild turkey.
In Story Arts, we are diving into the themes of collaboration and sportsmanship. Learners are designing their own team-building activities and compiling them into a book that the entire Studio can use. This project not only fosters creativity but also encourages leadership and cooperative problem-solving.
Meanwhile, in Civ, we’ve embarked on a fascinating study of Austronesian migration. Learners explored the invention of the outrigger canoe, a revolutionary advancement that enabled humans to travel vast distances across the Indian and Pacific Oceans (just like Moana!). To bring this history to life, learners designed and built their own outrigger boats, which we then tested in the stream at Trilith. This hands-on approach allowed them to experience the challenges and innovations of early seafaring firsthand.
We’re looking forward to another exciting week ahead as our learners continue to engage in meaningful, hands-on learning experiences!
middle school studio
Fighting for Food Justice & Strengthening Studio Culture
This week, our learners stepped into the role of the Food Justice League, taking on a hands-on challenge that pushed them to think critically about food insecurity. Given three mystery baskets filled with items typical of a food desert or food swamp, they had to create a meal plan for a family of four. One hero, staring at the processed options, voiced what many were thinking: “This is not real food.”
Their challenge expanded into designing a real-world solution to help communities access healthier food. Would they propose mobile markets, urban gardens, or policy changes? Each team worked toward a persuasive pitch, knowing only one plan would be selected.
Strengthening Our Studio Agreements
This week also marked a formal second Contract Signing Ceremony, where new heroes and those who missed the first signing committed to our Studio Contract—now with a newly added Tech Agreement. With the new Tech Policy in place, heroes adapted quickly, showing strong support for maintaining focus and accountability in our space.
We also hosted a whole Studio Circle on peaceful disagreements, exploring how we can challenge ideas respectfully, both verbally and nonverbally. Heroes were so engaged that they even requested a visual reminder on the wall to reinforce respectful discourse.
Beyond the Quest
In Civ, heroes sharpened their geography skills with a game and explored the comparative study of ancient religions. Meanwhile, in Story Arts, they brainstormed three great ideas and taglines for their upcoming TED Talk Talent Showcase, preparing to share their voices in a meaningful way.
This week wasn’t just about learning—it was about building a stronger, more thoughtful, and engaged Studio. From fighting for food justice to practicing peaceful discourse, our heroes continue to grow as leaders and changemakers.
high school studio
Innovating in Quest & Staying on Track
This week, we jumped straight into Quest with the exciting world of innovation! To kick things off, our heroes took a field trip to Sensu Restaurant in Trilith, where the manager gave us an exclusive behind-the-scenes tour of the kitchen. From state-of-the-art technology to time-honored techniques, our heroes got a firsthand look at how culinary tools and processes have evolved over time.
One fascinating example? Rice cooking—what once required an outdoor fire and constant monitoring can now be done effortlessly with a rice cooker. This simple yet powerful shift highlights how innovation often starts with a problem and a basic idea, gradually evolving into something transformative.
That’s exactly what our heroes are tackling in Quest this session! Each student will identify a problem in their everyday lives, develop a creative solution, and work through the patenting process—just like real-world inventors. We can’t wait to see what they present at Exhibition!
Beyond Quest, we’ve been conducting check-ins to ensure our heroes are staying on track with their Badge Plans as we enter the final stretch of the school year. These conversations help them reflect, adjust their goals, and push forward with confidence.
Exciting things are happening, and we can’t wait to see how our heroes rise to the challenge!