Session 5: Year 7, WeeK 27 In Review


Exploring Ancient Worlds and Solving Modern Problems

spark studio

This week in Spark, collaboration and creativity were in full force as we tackled new challenges and brought ideas to life!

Park Project Progress

Learners worked together to finalize the blueprints for their park designs, refining details and ensuring every element was thoughtfully planned. The teamwork and problem-solving on display were inspiring!

Perfecting Pitches

We kicked off pitch preparations, practicing how to communicate ideas clearly and persuasively. Learners explored what makes a strong pitch and began crafting their own presentations.

Lego Logic

Sorting through Legos by shape became an engaging exercise in organization and attention to detail. This hands-on activity helped reinforce spatial awareness and problem-solving in a fun and tactile way.

Art Focus: Depth in Design

In art, we explored how the foreground, middle ground, and background create depth in a picture. Learners experimented with layering techniques to bring their artwork to life.

From designing parks to structuring pitches, every challenge this week encouraged creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration. We can’t wait to see how these projects continue to evolve!

Friendship & Love Celebration at Spark!

Spark would love to celebrate the Day of Friendship and Love by creating space for learners to exchange cards and small goodies if they choose! This is a wonderful opportunity to spread kindness and appreciation for one another.

Important Note About Candy:

We have several learners with food dye allergies, so if your learner chooses to bring treats, please ensure they are free from artificial food dyes to keep the celebration safe and inclusive for everyone.

We look forward to celebrating friendship and love together in a thoughtful and joyful way! 💛✨


Spark ExhibitionThursday, February 13th @ 8:30 AM

If you have any spare Lego, we could still use them!


lower elementary studio

We have almost come to the end of Session Five! This week, we learned a lot about giving and receiving feedback and working together as a Studio to solve problems and come up with creative and proactive solutions.

In Language and Math, we are refining our skills, building from what we know, and pushing into exciting new realms. We are nearing the end of our Vet Medicine Quest and starting to prepare for our upcoming Exhibition on Tuesday, February 11th! We can’t wait to welcome families and friends and share all that we have been doing in Quest this session!

Learners have also been very excited about working on their elevator pitch skills in Story Arts. We look forward to seeing who walks away with the prize for Best Pitch next week!

In Civilization, we journeyed into ancient Mesoamerica, popped some popcorn, and played the oldest Mayan ballgame (no learners were sacrificed—but we did figure out that this ballgame is hard to play!).

In Art, we learned about perspective, and in PE, we moved, and moved, and MOVED!

Our new Council planned their first celebration for Valentine’s Day, to be celebrated on Thursday, February 13th, so please double-check with your learners to see if you have been nominated to help bring something for the celebration!

Tumble Club is Back!

Tumble Club is starting again in just three weeks! Do you have experience with tumbling, gymnastics, or dance and are in Middle or High School? If so, please reach out about an apprenticeship opportunity!

If you’re a Lower or Upper Elementary Learner, you can also join—just reach out to to let us know you’re interested or if you’d like more information! Some tumbling experience is preferred but not required. We can’t wait to learn new skills and grow together!

With only two full sessions left in the school year, we are rolling up our sleeves and working hard to finish well.

Thank you for running the race with us!

upper elementary studio

Session 5 is Officially Coming to a Close!

Our young veterinary assistants have finished their final prototypes of their first aid kits for unhoused pet owners. By the time this blog is published, learners will have presented their prototypes to representatives from Project Street Vet. Be sure to ask your learner to share all the hard work they have done and the feedback they received!

📅 Exhibition Reminder!

Tuesday, February 11 | 4:30–5:30 PM
Join us as our learners showcase their veterinary first aid kit prototypes! We also invite you to bring cat food, dog food, or cat litter to be donated to a local animal shelter. The team with the best prototype (based on expert feedback) will get to help drop off the donated items at the shelter!

Civilization: From Bronze to Iron

This session’s Civilization took us from the Bronze Age to the Iron Age. Learners stepped into the shoes of ancient workers, farmers, and artisans as they developed their metalworking skills to progress human civilization. From shaping copper and bronze tools to understanding the impact of iron technology, they explored how innovation shaped societies.

The Guide Tank: Field Trip Winners!

Our Heroes made their final field trip pitches in The Guide Tank! 🎉 Congratulations to Dottie, Autumn, and Raven for their stellar pitch on Zoo Atlanta, which won over our guest judges!

📌 Studio Reminders

🔹 Devices Policy: Tablets and computers from home are not allowed in our Studio. While we strongly discourage Learners from bringing cell phones, if they must have one, it needs to stay in their lockers during all instruction time. Brain Break is also a tech-free time. Please discuss responsible technology use and digital literacy with your learner.

🌿 Join the Environmental Club!

Our first Environmental Club meeting will be on Wednesday, February 26th, after school at The Ridge Nature Center (near the school) from 3:45–4:30 PM. If your learner is interested in joining, please send Gage an email. We’ll kick off with a fun hike and nature scavenger hunt—hope to see you there!

That’s a Wrap on Session 5! Thank you for all your support—we can’t wait for what’s ahead in Session 6!🚀

middle school studio

Our learners have been deeply engaged in hands-on projects, critical thinking exercises, and creative storytelling this week as they continue their journey of self-directed discovery. From designing pet kits for homeless pet owners to weighing the hearts of ancient pharaohs, the energy and enthusiasm in our space have been a joy.

In Quest, learners finalized their proposals for pet kits, carefully considering the essential supplies that could make a difference in the lives of pets belonging to those experiencing homelessness. Their work has been on display, showcasing their thoughtfulness and dedication to the cause. The week culminated in a Zoom presentation, where learners received valuable feedback from an expert in the field. These efforts will come to fruition at our upcoming Exhibition on Wednesday, February 12th, at 6:15 PM, where they will share their work with the broader community.

Meanwhile, in Story Arts, learners refined their mini-biographies, moving through the process of drafting, sharing, and revising. Through multiple rounds of peer feedback, they honed their storytelling skills, preparing to submit their final polished drafts next week. This iterative process has reinforced the power of revision and constructive critique, helping them develop their voices as writers.

In Civilization, learners tackled the profound question: What happens when you die? Exploring ancient Egyptian beliefs, they discovered the Hall of Ma’at, where a soul’s fate was determined by the weight of its heart. If burdened with misdeeds, the soul was devoured by Ammit, leading to eternal oblivion. Taking on the role of a pharaoh and their vassals, learners embarked on a research challenge to defend their chosen ruler’s legacy. Through their findings, they worked to ensure that their pharaoh’s heart remained light enough to pass into the afterlife unscathed.

This week has been a testament to curiosity, creativity, and the pursuit of knowledge, as learners took on real-world challenges, honed their storytelling abilities, and explored the mysteries of ancient civilizations. We can’t wait to see the continued growth and discoveries that lie ahead!

high school studio

This week, we have been knee-deep in preparation for our upcoming Exhibition, and the energy in the Studio has been nothing short of inspiring. Heroes have been fully engaged, refining their work, collaborating with their peers, and making sure every detail is in place for what promises to be a phenomenal showcase of their learning and creativity.

One of the most exciting moments of the week was our Story Arts meeting, where we had the privilege of working with a phenomenal expert in preparation for our upcoming production. The insights, guidance, and creative strategies shared during the session have ignited even more excitement among our heroes as they gear up to bring their stories to life. This experience has been a powerful reminder of how storytelling and the arts can shape meaningful learning experiences, and we can't wait to see the impact it has on our final production.

In addition to our Exhibition preparations, we are making an important request to all parents: If you have a bike, please bring it to the Exhibition this Wednesday at 4:30 PM! We are incorporating a hands-on, interactive element that will highlight the importance of biking as part of our larger project. Also, please ensure that heroes and attendees wear comfortable and appropriate shoes—this will be an active and engaging experience!

As we approach the big day, we are beyond excited to showcase the hard work, creativity, and dedication our heroes have put into their projects. Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to seeing you all on Wednesday at 4:30 PM!

🚴‍♂️🎭✨ See you at Exhibition!

Tyler Thigpen