Our first Quests for the 2021-2022 School Year!


Quests are real-world projects to master 21st-century skills.

Usually lasting four- to six-weeks, each Quest includes a series of challenges bound by a compelling narrative and is designed to deliver 21st century skills while simultaneously incorporating traditional topics like science, social studies, and history.

spark studio

Journey & Discovery Quest


For our first Quest we will be going on a journey and discovery… Imagine with me if you will, that you’ve been offered an opportunity to go on a mission to find a calling that will change the world. On this mission you will be going back to school and guess what? The children get to be the guides. How fun, right? Parents probably have a lot of questions like … I wonder how the children will help us find our calling? How much experience could these children possibly have? What is this magical way of learning?

Our question to you is …. Will you trust in the mission or will you pass up the opportunity?
For the next 5 weeks we will learn to learn, learn to be, learn to do, and learn to live together. This magical mission values the human spirit and the development of the whole child—physical, social, emotional & cognitive.

At Exhibition the adults will have a chance to take a peek into the world of the child. Follow the child’s lead and it will take you places.

Let the journey begin!

elementary studio

Forest Got Talent Quest

If I could learn anything in school what would it be?

What is something I’m passionate about? I wonder if I could learn to play an instrument? I wonder if I could make my own video game? I wonder if I could learn to sew? What if I could make a movie on my iPad? Could I become a master chef?

Welcome to Forest Got Talent Quest! Heroes will get to explore IN-DEPTH something they love, learn through research, get their hands dirty, and feel a sense of accomplishment through demonstration of new found skills to others. During the session, heroes will put together a presentation outlining their learning journey. This could include videos, photos, and feedback from family members and friends.
Forest Got Talent Quest is a great introduction to project management, time management, and presentation skills. This quest is meant to teach grit, builds confidence, and encourage heroes to learn from and push through failure instead of fearing it. Indeed, success and failure are unimportant with this task, while the true value lies in recording and learning from their successes and failures while sharing that talent with others. What better time than now to explore what makes you, YOU! Let the journey begin!

middle school studio

Medical Quest


How do doctors diagnose a disease? How do they decide on the best course of treatment? How much of medical practice is a hard science, and how much of it is an art?

Over the course of five weeks, learners will do a deep dive into researching human anatomy and the systems of the body. They will also be role-playing as doctors, getting weekly practice into how to conduct a medical interview, triage patients, diagnose diseases, read medical scans, and propose treatments. Our first exhibition will be a medical competition, where learners work in small teams to diagnose and treat patients (we’ll need you help with that part, parents!). The team that accurately diagnoses the most illnesses and loses the fewest patients (morbid, I know) on the smallest budget wins!

So, who’s ready to be a doctor?

high school studio

Next Great Adventure Quest

Heroes, how many times has someone asked: Who are you and what do you want? Happiness? Traveling the world? Going to college? Start a business?

The “Next Great Adventure Quest” is based off of encompassing challenges that test and prepare heroes for their next steps in young adulthood. Heroes will take a look into their gifts and talents and take a walk through their own hero’s journey. We will do this with soul searching and deep diving into an industry of interest, and map out a 5 year plan, all while learning to juggle life's obstacles. There is no one size fits all answer and no magic solution in a box. If you’re willing to put in the work, we will arm you with tools and a direction in which to start.

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Tyler Thigpen