Session 1: Year 7, WeeK 1 In Review


First week back

Check out this week’s updates…

spark studio

Who are you?

A Thrilling Start to Spark: Our First Week Adventure

The first week of school is always a blend of excitement and nerves, but this year, Spark’s kickoff was nothing short of extraordinary. From the moment learners stepped through the doors, it was clear that we were in for an unforgettable experience.

Monday’s unusual start set the tone for the week. Out of the blue, a mysterious melody filled the air, and to our surprise, an inspector named Clouseau arrived on the scene. With an air of intrigue, she questioned if anyone had seen a pink panther and revealed a box of clues that would set our adventure in motion.

Our challenge was to follow the “Rules of Engagement” and work together to prove ourselves worthy of being “Secret Agents.” This team-building exercise wasn’t just about solving clues; it was about collaborating, communicating, and problem-solving in a fun and engaging way.

The journey began with a series of riddles and tasks designed to test our creativity and teamwork. We discovered clues that highlighted key traits: Proactive, superpower, and the importance of each bringing one box to the table. As we navigated these clues, our excitement grew, and so did our bond as a Studio.

By the end of the week, we proudly earned our “Secret Agent” status. The sense of accomplishment and unity was palpable as we reflected on our adventure. This kickoff wasn’t just about getting to know each other; it was about discovering our collective strengths and setting the stage for a year filled with growth and exploration.

As we move forward, we are eager to continue our hero’s journey. Each day at Spark is an opportunity to unlock new mysteries, embrace our unique superpowers, and contribute to our team’s success. Here’s to a fantastic start and many more adventures to come. Stay tuned as we dive deeper into our journey and uncover more about ourselves and each other!

Weekly Clues: Proactive, superpower, and bring in one box.

lower elementary studio

Our learners are sharp and they have started off their journey into a peaceful and productive school year! This week they jumped in to learning all about how our Studio runs so that everyone can thrive and become a hero in the Studio and of their own hero’s journey! We went on many adventures - a cell safari, a walk beyond the gates, a journey back into pre-historic times, and the beginning of a long journey to becoming a self directed learner and awesome Studio-mate! Thanks for cheering them on from home as they dive into what is going to be a peaceful, productive and joyful year of growth and learning. And, all of our learners earned their first week badge, so make sure to congratulate them!

upper elementary studio

A Great Start to the New Year!

We had a fantastic first week back at school here in Upper Elementary! Our new learners jumped right into our Studio systems, learning how to be self-directed and starting the draft for our Studio’s yearly contract. Be sure to ask your hero about the importance of this contract and the rules they helped create as part of their self-governance!

This week, we also introduced our first Quest of the session - the Cell Safari. Our learners are excited to explore the amazing microbiological world on their island. Stay tuned for more updates on their discoveries and adventures!

middle school studio

Our Studio has enthusiastically kicked off the Self-Directed Learning Olympics with a grand Olympic Opening Ceremony. The event was a fantastic way to ignite our learning journey, and the excitement was palpable among all our heroes. Each day, we’ve been engaging in fun and collaborative team builders. These activities not only help us bond as a Studio, but also develop our teamwork and problem-solving skills.

We took a fascinating step back in time by beginning our exploration of pre-history civilizations. Our heroes evaluated rocks to determine whether they were ancient tools or simply cool-looking rocks. This hands-on approach has sparked curiosity and critical thinking about the origins of human technology.

In Quest, our heroes asked ChatGPT to write them personalized learning plans for new skills they haven’t tried before. This innovative approach allowed each student to tailor their learning journey, and they vlogged about their experiences to share their progress and insights with their peers. In the realm of Story Arts, our heroes have begun planning their DIY YouTube videos. This project is a creative outlet for them to express their stories, ideas, and talents while learning valuable skills in video production and storytelling.

We have also started building our Studio Contract, a crucial element in creating a harmonious and productive learning environment. This contract will outline our shared values, expectations, and commitments to ensure a respectful and inspiring space for everyone.

Stay tuned for more updates on our learning adventures and achievements!

high school studio

The first week of the school year has been a resounding success! We kicked off by assigning running partners and fostering accountability as heroes planned their goals for the year. We launched our Quest, 'The Art of Adulting,' where heroes begin mastering effective communication skills—a vital tool for their future. We also revisited Studio maintenance, ensuring our learning environment remains a space where everyone can thrive.

A special thank you to all the parents for generously providing supplies that set our heroes up for success. This week, we took a math assessment to gauge where everyone stands, and we engaged in team-building games that strengthened our sense of community. Daily reflections helped heroes focus on how to improve each day, cultivating a mindset of continuous growth. Here’s to a fantastic year ahead, built on strong beginnings and a commitment to excellence!

Tyler Thigpen